Credo is devoted to the satisfaction of the cigar aficionado. Its desire is to offer immidiately products which will appeal to the young 21st century cigar lovers. Credo products marry the mastery of craftsmanship inherited from the past and technological innovations born of the age of quantum mechanics. our online shop offers the best selection of cigar from dominican republic and cigars accessories as cigars humidifiers or cigars box The Credo self-regulated humidification system is a revolution in the cigar industry. Number one with a production over 180 000 units a year, the CREDO is based on a physico-chemical process whose molecular mechanisms allow a rigorous water evaporation control. It works! Humidity is tamed at 70 % RH. The cigar ageing process may start and the amateur is carefree. The Credo cigar lines offer a wide panel of aromas and subtle fulbodied strength. The vintage tobaccos are carefully selected among the best tobacco regions in the carribeans or central America In a Credo cigar, nothing is left to chance. There is no thoughtless repetition. All has been designed to satisfy the true amateurs quest for perfection