I - PHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONS THE PRODUCT Cigar,spanish: puro (pr. pooro)
german: Zigarre (pr. tsee-gar) french: cigare (pr. see-gar) tobacco half-leaves or pieces of tobacco leaf making up the inside of a cigar.FILLER the filler is enclosed in theBINDER outer layer of a cigar. It is chosen for its appearanceWRAPPER THE SHAPES standard cigar size with a 16.67 mm diameter i.e. 42/64ths inch, called a 42 gauge, and 140 mm length.CORONA longer than 140 mmGRAND CORONA shorter with same ring gauge,PETIT CORONA model of long thin cigar, with diameter of approximately 14 mm i.e. 36/64thsand between 150 and 180 mm long.cmPANATELLA shorterDEMI-TASSE the longest cigars (approximately 200 mm) with the largest diameters (approximately 20 mm i.e. ring gauge 50-52)DOUBLE CORONA the other denominations (Lonsdales, Rotchild, Churchill), do not have precise significance and are used by the brands.APPEARANCE OF THE WRAPPER maduro: dark brownMADURO pronounced brown often tending towards very dark redCOLORADO medium golden brownCOLORADO-CLARO light golden brownCLARO very light brown tending towards pale yellow to greenCLARO-CLARO ou CLARISSIMO ou CANDELLA COMPACTNESS the first sense to come into play is that of touch through the finger-tips:REGULAR IRREGULAR in a four-level scale of compactness:HARD FIRM PLIABLE FLABBY II - ANALYZE OF THE SMOKE observe any feelings of irritation on the tip of the tongueBURNING SENSATION (RARE) inside the cheeksBITING (FAIRLY COMMON) on the body of the tongueHARSHNESS (RARE) in the throatACRID (VERY COMMON) how regularly the cigar drawsHARD CORRECT TOO EASY the taste receptors in the mouth are capable of distinguishing four types of chemical bodies that correspond to four tastes: sweet, salty, acid and bitter.SWEET SALTY BITTER ACID measurement of the density of olfactory substances and nicotine in smoke: INTENSITYWEAK MEDIUM FULL-BODIED olfactory richness, i.e. the variety and quality of the odours contained in the smoke, is thus the second essential characteristic of a cigar and is used to judge the complexity and variety of olfactory sensations in the smoke.POOR GOOD GENEROUS persistence: characteristic of smoke whose olfactory form remains largely present.FLEETING PRESENT HEAVY balance: this is the supreme quality in a cigar whose various constituents combine perfectly.JARRING WELL ROUND volume (olfactory): judgement of the olfactory capacity and presence of active ingredients (nicotine) in the smoke. "LIGHT CONSISTANT SATIATING III CONDITIONS OF COMBUSTION the regularity with which a cigar burns along its entire length is one of its essential qualities. Irregular burning is a sign that the tobacco is uneven. . Combustion rate, which varies according to the variety of tobacco, depends on the level of humidity and compactness of the cigar. when the balance between the combustion rates is correct, the cigar will burn at a right-angle to its axis but if the height of the dome is greater than the radius of the cigar, the burning surface will tend to scatter shreds of burning tobacco. The COMBUSTION is calledREGULAR , IRREGULAR when the wrapper and binder burn faster that the filler, the burning surface will tend to domeCONE SHAPE COMBUSTION when the wrapper and binder burn too slow, the burning surface will tend toCRATER SHAPE COMBUSTION in a perfect cigar this surface will beFLAT CredoLine Pipes /home page / humidifiers / accessories / the world of cigar / contact / link / Site map