With its original shape enhanced by deep blue transparent wood stain and its elegant lettering in silver and gold leaf, the CREDO cigar box has a certain charisma. It indicates the quality of the product as well as protecting it.
CREDO cigars are rolled entirely by hand. They are made with a selection of Volado and Ligero tobaccos in the Piloto Cubano and Olor Dominicano varieties. The choice of tobacco composing the CREDO cigars has thus been aimed toward a stronger, slightly more full-bodied flavour, while conserving the aromas that give dominican cigars their distinctive nobility.THE BRAND AND ITS COMMUNICATION
Our market research shows that cigar imaginary report to the depth of psycholgy. Thus we discovered that these notions are found the same in the alchemy. On this ground, we related the CREDO communication to alchemy main topics: the game of the four elements, the union of the contraries, etc These ideas were developed in a precious booklet accompanying each cigar box during the period of launching. In 24pages, this booklet will bring a very condensed information about cigar manufacturing, smokers motivation and cigar tasting. Their names are related to Alchemy.
An invitation to joyfull participation.
The boxes are in the shape 8-9-8 of 25 cigars. CREDO boxes do envelop completely the bundle of cigars, in an octogonal shape, inside and outside. A very new way to build up the boxes, who required to build a new special machine. Another new item is the dark blue-grey color of the lasure-teinted boxes with the CREDO logotype in silver and gold.
Through accurate selection of Dominican tobaccos, we reach a taste as rich as the cuban one (English selection style). CREDO cigars are 100 % long filler cigars, rolled by hand in the Dominican Republic. It is a medium fullbodied cigar. Predominantly made from tobaccos of cuban origin, its taste is tempered and skirt by the traditional dominican binder. USA connecticut wrapper is finishing these rare and elegant cigars .
JUBILATE Demi-Tasse. The symbol of the wheel carried by the four forces of life is befitting a cigar whose name is an invitation to joyful participation. (Tasting)